EMRP Call 2010 - Industry and Environment

Basic Information

Network EMRP
Website https://www.emrponline.eu/a169.html
Aim of the joint call The EMRP Call 2010 – of which Stage 1 for proposals for potential metrology research topics (PRTs) is open from 12 February 2010 to 28 March 2010 and Stage 2 from 21 June 2010 to 11 October 2010 for proposals for related Joint Research Projects (JRPs) and associated EMRP Researcher Grants – addresses the following research areas: · Metrology for Industry with the overall aim to improve the quality of data for policy making and regulation, underpin other environmental research initiatives through collaborative metrological research and development, and stimulate technological innovation. · Metrology for Environment with the overall aim to develop metrological methods and techniques to improve the metrological infrastructure for industry.
Type of joint call Two Stages - Call with pre-proposals and full proposals submissions
Launch date 12/02/2010
Deadline Pre-Proposal 28/03/2010 Submitted proposal: 223
Deadline Full-Proposal 11/10/2010 Submitted proposal: 45
Evaluation End Date 17/12/2010 Successful proposal: 42 Proposals funded: 26
Is call co-funded? Yes
Call follow up funding
  • There are mechanisms in place to monitor
  • There are mechanisms in place to monitor technical progress
Call reasons
  • Achieving critical mass
  • Sharing competences and associated work
  • Addressing global issues
  • Developing common administrative procedures
  • Access to expertise from different countries
  • Addressing specific geographical issues
  • Reducing administrative overheads
  • Addressing specific scientific and technological issues
Research fields
  • Environment
  • Industrial production
Type of research
  • Basic research
  • Applied Research
  • Pre-competitive research
Target groups
  • Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
  • Public Research Organisations (PROs)
  • Private and Semi-private Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs)
  • SME (Small and Medium Enterprises)
  • Large Corporations
Participating networks n/a

Organisations Participating

Country Organisation
Austria Austria (country) (AT)
Belgium Belgium (country) (BE)
Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina (country) (BA)
Czech Republic Czech Republic (country) (CZ)
Denmark Denmark (country) (DK)
Estonia Estonia (country) (EE)
European Union European Commission (EC)
European Union European Commission - Joint Research Centre (EC-JRC)
Finland Finland (country) (FI)
France France (country) (FR)
Germany Germany (country) (DE)
Hungary Hungary (country) (HU)
Italy Italy (country) (IT)
Netherlands Netherlands (country) (NL)
Norway Norway (country) (NO)
Poland Poland (country) (PL)
Portugal Portugal (country) (PT)
Romania Romania (country) (RO)
Slovakia Slovakia (country) (SK)
Slovenia Slovenia (country) (SI)
Spain SPAIN (country) (ES)
Sweden Sweden (country) (SE)
Switzerland Switzerland (country) (CH)
Türkiye TURKEY (country) (TR)
United Kingdom United Kingdom (country) (GB)

Funded Projects

Acronym Title Start End No. partners
ENV01 MACPoll Metrology for chemical pollutants in air 01/06/2011 31/05/2014 14
ENV02 PartEmission Emerging requirements for measuring pollutants from automoti... 01/06/2011 31/05/2014 10
ENV03 SolarUV Traceability for surface spectral solar ultraviolet radiation 01/08/2011 31/07/2014 12
ENV04 MetEOC European metrology for earth observation and climate 01/10/2011 30/09/2014 12
ENV05 Ocean Metrology for ocean salinity and acidity 01/09/2011 31/08/2014 11
ENV06 EUMETRISPEC Spectral reference data for atmospheric monitoring 01/11/2011 31/10/2014 7
ENV07 MeteoMet Metrology for pressure, temperature, humidity and airspeed i... 01/10/2011 30/09/2014 23
ENV08 WFD Traceable measurements for monitoring critical pollutants un... 01/10/2011 30/09/2014 12
ENV09 MetroRWM Metrology for radioactive waste management 01/10/2011 30/09/2014 14
IND01 HITEMS High temperature metrology for industrial applications (>100... 01/09/2011 31/08/2014 15
IND02 EMINDA Electromagnetic characterisation of materials for industrial... 01/07/2011 30/06/2014 9
IND03 HighPRES High pressure metrology for industrial applications 01/10/2011 30/09/2014 6
IND04 MetroMetal Ionising radiation metrology for the metallurgical industry 01/12/2011 30/11/2014 14
IND05 MEPROVISC Dynamic mechanical properties and long-term deformation beha... 01/10/2011 30/09/2014 8
IND06 MIQC Metrology for industrial quantum communication technologies 01/09/2011 31/08/2014 11
IND07 Thin Films Metrology for the manufacturing of thin films 01/08/2011 31/07/2014 15
IND08 MetMags Metrology for advanced industrial magnetics 01/07/2011 30/06/2014 5
IND09 Dynamic Traceable dynamic measurement of mechanical quantities 01/09/2011 31/08/2014 9
IND10 Form Optical and tactile metrology for absolute form characterisa... 01/09/2011 31/08/2014 14
IND11 MADES Metrology to assess the durability and function of engineere... 01/08/2011 31/07/2014 10
IND12 Vacuum Vacuum metrology for production environments 01/09/2011 31/08/2014 13
IND13 T3D Thermal design and time-dependent dimensional drift behaviou... 01/10/2011 30/09/2014 7
IND14 Frequency New generation of frequency standards for industry 01/08/2011 31/07/2014 12
IND15 SurfChem Traceable quantitative surface chemical analysis for industr... 01/10/2011 30/09/2014 13
IND16 Ultrafast Metrology for ultrafast electronics and high-speed communica... 01/07/2011 30/06/2014 8
IND17 Scatterometry Metrology of small structures for the manufacturing of elect... 01/10/2011 30/09/2014 9