Project: Sanwich panels with integratef PV with freedom of size and color

Acronym PANELPV (Reference Number: 11)
Duration 01/11/2017 - 31/10/2019
Project Topic The project PanelPV aims at the development of new facade elements with integrated PV. Starting components are sandwich panels made by Panelen Holland and CIGS based PV foil made by Flisom. In the project we will integrate these two into new power generating facade elements. We will develop a technology to make the PV foil translucent, such that the integrated product appears to have the same color as the underlying sandwich panel. This gives the producer of the sandwich panels full freedom in color or print selection. The project will result in the fabrication of a demo facade in which several sandwich panels with different colors will be integrated and electrically interconnected.
Website visit project website
Network SOLAR-ERA.NET Cofund

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
1 ECN Solliance Coordinator Netherlands
2 Panelen Holland Partner Netherlands
3 Sunpartner Partner France
4 Kiwa Partner Netherlands
5 Flisom AG Partner Switzerland
6 TNO Partner Netherlands