First Periodic Report / Availability of funds

When a reporting period ends a session for preparing and submitting the periodic report will open in the EC Portal. The following documents are required under “Periodic Report”:

  • a periodic technical report = (Upload Technical Report Part B, Online-Form “Summary for Publication”)
  • availability of funds (Online form which needs to be filled in by each beneficiary indicating the national/regional contributions, without Union contribution)
  • statement on the use of the first pre-financing instalment

Periodic technical report: The project progress is most of the times done by WP leaders and task leaders following the template provided by the EC.

Availability of funds: All beneficiaries have to submit the electronically signed financial commitment to the proposals according to the selection list. Budgets to insert are only national/regional eligible budgets (no top-up, no unit costs, no structural funds, no loans, no third countries) and only commitments to the agreed full proposals recommended for funding (proposals on selection list). Please note that all consortium members must submit this form, even if not participating in the co-funded call or not eligible for top-up. In these cases the amount to insert is ZERO. Each beneficiary inserts the amount and click “SAVE”. With “Lock for review” a notification will be generated to the FSIGN (financial signatory) will be generated, who has to click “SIGN & SUBMIT”.

Statement on the use of the first pre-financing instalment: The coordinator has to declare which percentage of the first pre-financing instalment paid by the EC has been used and requests the second pre-financing payment. This is done by filling in an online form.

As the use of the EC contribution is up to the consortium (black box) the EC “Research Enquiry Service – Legal and Financial Helpdesk“ were addressed and replied as follows: “Annex 8 (Model for the statement on the use of the previous pre-financing instalment) states that the authorized representative of the coordinator should declare both the percentage and the amount in absolute terms of the previous pre-financing instalment, paid used for the specific grant agreement. No other details should be provided in the statement. The amount to be declared will be based on substantiated data (bank slip/treasury account) provided by each beneficiary. An amount is considered as used when the cost has actually been incurred or paid (i.e. to other third parties) by the Coordinator or by a beneficiary.”

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