3rd Joint Call: JPI-EC-AMR ERA-NET Cofund Call on Transmission Dynamics

Basic Information

Network JPI AMR
Website https://www.jpiamr.eu/calls/call-amr-transmission-dynamics-2016/
Aim of the joint call The primary aim of the third joint call of JPIAMR is to combine the resources, infrastructures, and research strengths of multiple countries in order to address transmission of antibiotic resistance following a ‘One Health Approach’. The goal is to foster multinational research collaborations to add value to and to build upon the research conducted independently at national level and to work together to improve the control of resistant bacterial infections of clinical and/or veterinary importance only.
Type of joint call Two Stages - Call with pre-proposals and full proposals submissions
Launch date 18/01/2016
Deadline Pre-Proposal 21/03/2016 Submitted proposal: 83
Deadline Full-Proposal 04/07/2016 Submitted proposal: 37
Evaluation End Date 31/10/2016 Successful proposal: n/a Proposals funded: 19
Is call co-funded? Yes
Call follow up funding n/a
Call reasons n/a
Research fields
  • Health
Type of research n/a
Target groups n/a
Participating networks

Organisations Participating

Country Organisation
Belgium National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS)
Belgium Research Foundation Flanders (FWO)
Canada Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
Denmark Innovation Fund Denmark (Innofond)
France National Research Agency (ANR)
Germany Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Israel Medical Research Administration Chief Scientist Office Israeli Ministriy of Health (CSO-MOH)
Italy Ministry of Health (MOH/MDS)
Latvia State Education Development Agency (VIAA)
Netherlands The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw)
Norway Research Council of Norway (RCN)
Poland National Science Centre (NCN)
Portugal Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)
Romania National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation (ANCSI)
Spain Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII)
Spain Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO)
Sweden Swedish Research Council (VR/SRC)
Sweden Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning (FORMAS)
Switzerland Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF/SNF)
Türkiye The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)
United Kingdom Medical Research Council (MRC)

Funded Projects

Acronym Title Start End No. partners
AWARE-WWTP Antibiotic Resistance in Wastewater: Transmission Risks for ... 01/06/2017 31/05/2021 7
BEAT-AMR Partnership against Biofilm-associated Expression, Acquisiti... 01/06/2017 31/05/2020 7
COLLATERALDAMAGE Using collateral sensitivity to reverse the selection and tr... 01/02/2017 15/08/2020 5
DARWIN Dynamics of Antimicrobial Resistance in the Urban Water Cycl... 01/01/2017 31/12/2019 7
EMerGE-NeT Effectiveness of infection control strategies against intra-... 01/06/2017 31/05/2020 8
Gene-gas Wastewater treatment plants as critical reservoirs for resis... 01/01/2017 31/12/2019 4
HECTOR The impact of Host restriction of Escherichia coli on Transm... 01/05/2017 30/06/2021 7
JumpAR A multi-scale approach to understanding the mechanisms of mo... 01/05/2017 30/04/2020 5
MACOTRA Combating MRSA; increasing our understanding of transmission... 15/05/2017 30/06/2021 5
MODERN Understanding and modelling reservoirs, vehicles and transmi... 01/01/2017 31/12/2019 6
PET-Risk Risk of companion animal to human transmission of antimicrob... 01/05/2017 31/10/2020 5
PNEUMOSPREAD Mechanisms for acquisition and transmission of successful an... 01/12/2016 31/12/2019 4
PREPARE Predicting the Persistence of Resistance Across Environments 01/05/2017 30/04/2020 5
Restrict-Pneumo-AMR Prevention and Restriction of Antimicrobial Resistance in Pn... 03/07/2017 10/09/2021 7
ST 131_transmission Escherichia coli ST131: a model for high-risk transmission d... 01/07/2017 31/12/2019 8
STARCS Selection and Transmission of Antimicrobial Resistance in Co... 01/01/2017 30/06/2021 7
SpARK The rates and routes of transmission of multidrug resistant ... 01/05/2017 30/06/2020 7
TransComp-ESC-R Genomic approach to transmission and compartmentalization of... 01/05/2017 30/04/2020 8
TransPred Predicting cell-cell horizontal transmission of antibiotics ... 01/01/2017 31/12/2019 7