Project: New MASKing system based on a THERMO strippable resin for selective surface treatments

Acronym THERMOMASK (Reference Number: 114776)
Duration 01/06/2021 - 01/12/2023
Project Topic Precision Masking is an extensively performed operation in metal finishing processes which consists of protecting areas of a part surface that must not be treated. Masking operation can represent an 80 % of the surface finishing cost. THERMOMASK aims to improve this step by developing and validating in relevant environment a Thermo-strippable mask easy to be applied, suitable for aggressive environments. Moreover, a new tool for easy de-masking based on IR heating will be developed.
Network Eurostars 2
Call Eurostars Cut–off 14

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
1 ELHCO Electroless Hard Coat, S.A. Coordinator Spain
2 GAITEK Industrial Automation Solutions, S.L. Partner Spain
3 RESCOLL Partner France