Project: HiT-GlyP: the first High-Throughput Glycoprotein Production and manufacture system

Acronym HiT-GlyP (Reference Number: 115017)
Duration 01/06/2021 - 01/06/2024
Project Topic HiT-GlyP will deliver the world’s first platform for targeted, reliable protein glycosylation for drug discovery and manufacturing. The solution is comprised of 1) a synthetic Golgi-on-a-chip (and later ER-on-a-chip) with immobilized glycoenzymes for tailored glycosylation, 2) a high-yield protein expression system, and 3) assays for functional screening . Hence, HiT-GlyP will allow to create and evaluate protein-based drugs (PBD) of any glycoform and hence design urgently needed novel drugs.
Network Eurostars 2
Call Eurostars Cut–off 14

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
1 EnginZyme AB Partner Sweden
2 LenioBio GmbH Coordinator Germany
3 Wageningen University Partner Netherlands