Project: Enhanced remediation via pneumatic/hydraulic fracturing emplacement of strong chemical oxidants

Acronym Frac-In-Ox (Reference Number: 114719)
Duration 01/03/2021 - 01/02/2023
Project Topic The Frac-in technology setup, combining direct push (DP) and pneumatic/hydraulic fracturing (PF/HF), will be expanded in the project to be compatible with oxidative remediation agents, aiming to provide effective remediation solutions for the majority of contaminants in the soil. This includes development of new pumping setups and remediation suspensions and solutions. The overall aim is to demonstrate and verify the feasibility of the enhanced Frac-In-Ox technology for further commercial use.
Network Eurostars 2
Call Eurostars Cut–off 14

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
1 ABO nv Partner Belgium
2 Dekonta, a.s. Coordinator Czech Republic
3 NANO IRON, s.r.o. Partner Czech Republic