Project: Development of an innovative 5G-backed tele-care system

Acronym 5GCareHorizon (Reference Number: 115075)
Duration 01/03/2021 - 01/03/2024
Project Topic In the project we will develop a system based on a number of tele-care sensors with an integrated 5G communication feature. The aim of the project is to utilize 5G technology in the tele-care sector. The sensors will connect into an IoT network via a specially developed software platform. The proposed system will eliminate the need for a central hub, allowing for location independent functionality, modular design and easy replacement, at affordable prices.
Network Eurostars 2
Call Eurostars Cut–off 14

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
1 Caretronic d.o.o. Coordinator Slovenia
2 Cosinuss GmbH Partner Germany