Project: Organ-specific PET scanner for Early Diagnostic of Prostate Cancer

Acronym ProVision (Reference Number: 114021)
Duration 01/06/2020 - 01/06/2024
Project Topic ProVision will deliver a cutting-edge, organ-specific PET scanner capable of detecting small, aggressive prostate tumours at an early stage, when the disease is still curable. The device will have extra high sensitivity, precise position resolution and a much-improved time resolution for PET imaging. Together with dedicated imaging software and next-generation prostate-specific radiotracers, we will build a diagnostic system that will make a screening for prostate cancer a reality.
Network Eurostars 2
Call Eurostars Cut–off 12

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
1 Picotech Coordinator France
2 Trasis Partner Belgium
3 University of Geneva Partner Switzerland