EMPIR Call 2017

Basic Information

Calls for joint research in 2017 include Metrology for Industry (IND), Fundamental (FUN), Research Potential (RPT) and Metrology Research for Pre- and Co-normative projects (NRM) following a two stage process. Stage 1 for IND, FUN, NRM, RPT requests the contribution of Potential Research Topics (PRTs). Stage 2 requests project proposals against the Selected Research Topics (SRTs) that EURAMET publish following Stage 1.

Network EMPIR
Website https://msu.euramet.org/calls.html
Aim of the joint call Calls for joint research in 2017 include Metrology for Industry (IND), Fundamental (FUN), Research Potential (RPT) and Metrology Research for Pre- and Co-normative projects (NRM) following a two stage process. Stage 1 for IND, FUN, NRM, RPT requests the contribution of Potential Research Topics (PRTs). Stage 2 requests project proposals against the Selected Research Topics (SRTs) that EURAMET publish following Stage 1.
Type of joint call Two Stages - Call with pre-proposals and full proposals submissions
Launch date 10/01/2017
Deadline Pre-Proposal 20/02/2017 Submitted proposal: 161
Deadline Full-Proposal 02/10/2017 Submitted proposal: 70
Evaluation End Date 30/11/2017 Successful proposal: 40 Proposals funded: 40
Is call co-funded? Yes
Call follow up funding n/a
Call reasons n/a
Research fields
  • Industrial production
Type of research n/a
Target groups n/a
Participating networks n/a

Organisations Participating

Country Organisation
Albania Albania (country) (AL)
Austria Austria (country) (AT)
Belgium Belgium (country) (BE)
Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina (country) (BA)
Bulgaria Bulgaria (country) (BG)
China China (country) (CN)
Croatia CROATIA (country) (HR)
Cyprus CYPRUS (country) (CY)
Czech Republic Czech Republic (country) (CZ)
Denmark Denmark (country) (DK)
Estonia Estonia (country) (EE)
Finland Finland (country) (FI)
France France (country) (FR)
Germany Germany (country) (DE)
Greece Greece (country) (GR)
Hungary Hungary (country) (HU)
Iceland Iceland (country) (IS)
Ireland Ireland (country) (IE)
Italy Italy (country) (IT)
Japan Japan (country) (JP)
Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of (country) (KR)
Latvia Latvia (country) (LV)
Lithuania Lithuania (country) (LT)
Luxembourg Luxembourg (country) (LU)
Malta MALTA (country) (MT)
Montenegro Montenegro (country) (ME)
Netherlands Netherlands (country) (NL)
North Macedonia FYROMacedonia (country) (MK)
Norway Norway (country) (NO)
Poland Poland (country) (PL)
Portugal Portugal (country) (PT)
Romania Romania (country) (RO)
Serbia Serbia (country) (RS)
Slovakia Slovakia (country) (SK)
Slovenia Slovenia (country) (SI)
Spain SPAIN (country) (ES)
Sweden Sweden (country) (SE)
Switzerland Switzerland (country) (CH)
Taiwan Taiwan (country) (TW)
Türkiye TURKEY (country) (TR)
United Kingdom United Kingdom (country) (GB)

Funded Projects

Acronym Title Start End No. partners
17FUN01 BeCOMe Light-matter interplay for optical metrology beyond the clas... 01/06/2018 31/05/2021 15
17FUN02 MetroMMC Measurement of fundamental nuclear decay data using metallic... 01/06/2018 31/05/2021 7
17FUN03 USOQS Ultra-stable optical oscillators from quantum coherent and e... 01/06/2018 31/05/2021 11
17FUN04 SEQUOIA Single-electron quantum optics for quantum-enhanced measurem... 01/05/2018 30/04/2021 6
17FUN05 PhotOQuant Photonic and Optomechanical Sensors for Nanoscaled and Quant... 01/06/2018 31/05/2021 13
17FUN06 SIQUST Single-photon sources as new quantum standards 01/06/2018 31/05/2021 15
17FUN07 CC4C Coulomb Crystals for Clocks 01/05/2018 30/04/2021 8
17FUN08 TOPS Metrology for topological spin structures 01/06/2018 31/05/2021 7
17FUN09 UnipHied Realisation of a Unified pH Scale 01/05/2018 30/04/2021 12
17FUN10 ParaWave Josephson travelling wave parametric amplifier and its appli... 01/07/2018 30/06/2021 5
17IND01 MIMAS Procedures allowing medical implant manufacturers to demonst... 01/06/2018 31/05/2021 5
17IND02 SmartCom Communication and validation of smart data in IoT-networks 01/06/2018 31/05/2021 14
17IND03 LaVA Large Volume Metrology Applications 01/08/2018 31/07/2021 13
17IND04 EMPRESS 2 Enhancing process efficiency through improved temperature me... 01/05/2018 30/04/2021 27
17IND05 MicroProbes Multifunctional ultrafast microprobes for on-the-machine mea... 01/06/2018 31/05/2021 12
17IND06 FutureGrid II Metrology for the next-generation digital substation instrum... 01/06/2018 31/05/2021 13
17IND07 DynPT Development of measurement and calibration techniques for dy... 01/05/2018 30/04/2021 11
17IND08 AdvanCT Advanced Computed Tomography for dimensional and surface mea... 01/06/2018 31/05/2021 21
17IND09 MetAMCII Metrology for Airborne Molecular Contaminants II 01/05/2018 30/04/2021 8
17IND10 LiBforSecUse Quality assessment of electric vehicle Li-ion batteries for ... 01/09/2018 31/08/2021 14
17IND11 Hi-TRACE Industrial process optimisation through improved metrology o... 01/07/2018 30/06/2021 11
17IND12 Met4FoF Metrology for the Factory of the Future 01/06/2018 31/05/2021 15
17IND13 Metrowamet Metrology for real-world domestic water metering 01/06/2018 31/05/2021 12
17IND14 WRITE Precision Time for Industry 01/06/2018 31/05/2021 12
17NRM01 TrafoLoss Loss Measurements on Power Transformers and Reactors 01/05/2018 30/04/2021 6
17NRM02 MeterEMI Electromagnetic Interference on Static Electricity Meters 01/05/2018 30/04/2021 7
17NRM03 EUCoM Standards for the evaluation of the uncertainty of coordinat... 01/06/2018 31/05/2021 12
17NRM04 nPSize Improved traceability chain of nanoparticle size measurements 01/05/2018 30/04/2021 10
17NRM05 EMUE Advancing measurement uncertainty - comprehensive examples f... 01/07/2018 30/06/2021 17
17RPT01 DOSEtrace Research capabilities for radiation protection dosimeters 01/06/2018 31/05/2021 13
17RPT02 rhoLiq Establishing traceability for liquid density measurements 01/05/2018 30/04/2021 12
17RPT03 DIG-AC A digital traceability chain for AC voltage and current 01/06/2018 31/05/2021 12
17RPT04 VersICaL A versatile electrical impedance calibration laboratory base... 01/06/2018 31/05/2021 11
17SIP02 SimpleMeteoU Simple Expression of Uncertainty for Meteorological Observat... 01/05/2018 30/04/2020 2
17SIP03 ESCoShell An ISO Technical Report on the use of Electron Spectroscopy ... 01/05/2018 30/04/2021 2
17SIP04 Trove Technology transfer of RF nonlinear verification device to e... 01/04/2018 01/04/2019 3
17SIP05 CASoft Software to maximize end user uptake of conformity assessmen... 01/06/2018 31/05/2020 3
17SIP06 FAME VNA Traceable, Faster More Accurate Measurement Software for Vec... 01/05/2018 30/04/2020 1
17SIP07 Adlab-XMet Advancing laboratory based X-ray metrology techniques 01/06/2018 31/05/2021 2
17SIP08 NeWITT New Waveguide Interfaces for Terahertz Technologies 01/09/2018 01/03/2020 3