Checklist for countries for data collection

Data for Chapter 3 – Country level analysis and individual country fiches


  • MS/ACs feedback is expected via Partnership Knowledge Hub to the country fiche layout and its related data requirements. European Commission and the Expert Group will provide the template.
  • Check if the data in the country fiches are still up to date. This step requites support from national level monitoring system.
  • If there are some new data requests (e.g., due to the priority themes of the BMR) find national level data sources or if it turns out to be complicated, notify European Commission and raise the discussion in the Partnership Knowledge Hub.
  • Check if there are some new additional national level data sources your country should engage.
  • Be ready to validate the quantitative data in your country fiche provided by EC/Expert Group and provide qualitative data. The qualitative input expected is for example anecdotal evidence about added value, impacts, and positioning of partnerships at national level, examples of input to national policies, etc.
  • Alert your national mirror group/other national level relevant partners to provide this feedback (if necessary).

Deadline: week 1-2

Setting up the necessary structures

  • The filling up mechanism for countries to collect the input to country fiches is set up by European Commission and the Expert Group.
  • Thereafter countries will be contacted, and country representatives will notify their mirror groups/relevant national level actors that the input to country fiche is needed.
  • Start national level data collection (qualitative data for country fiches).

Deadline: week 2

First Round Quality Review

  • Participate in the office hours provided by the Expert Group and European Commission to clarify the specific needs of the BMR requirements and have a clear overview of the qualitative and quantitative data sources used for the BMR.

Deadline: week 2, 12, 15

Second Round Quality Review

  • Participate in the office hours provided by the Expert Group and European Commission to clarify the remaining questions raised during the filling of the country fiche.
  • Provide qualitative data to your fiche (and additional quantitative data if it is needed for BMR and cannot be provided by EC databases)
  • Give a final approval to your country fiche.

Deadline: week 19-20

Aggregated analysis for Chapter 3 intro

  • Give your feedback to the draft findings and conclusions of country fiches (based on both qualitative and quantitative data of the country fiches) via PKH.

Deadline: week 21

Data for Chapter 2 – Portfolio level analysis of European Partnerships

Finalise analysis and complement on subchapter 2.2

  • Give input to country fiches (see Chapter 3, second round quality review). Anecdotal evidence/success stories from country fiches will be used to complement the common indicator’s analysis.
  • Give feedback to common indicators analysis results (via PKH).

Deadline: week 38 and week 40