
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (ASCR)


Country: Czech Republic

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Organisation Details

National organisation


Cooperation overview

Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic is involved in 10 partnerships

Toggle map:
Country Number of Partnerships Number of Calls
Austria 7 7
Belgium 7 7
Bulgaria 2 8
Croatia 4 5
Estonia 6 7
France 9 10
Germany 10 10
Latvia 3 5
Lithuania 8 11
Luxembourg 6 6
Poland 8 12
Romania 2 3
Slovenia 7 6
Spain 8 11
Zambia 0 2
Sweden 8 7
Switzerland 7 8
United Kingdom 9 7
Finland 8 6
Norway 8 8
Portugal 5 3
Slovakia 3 8
Iceland 7 4
Hungary 3 4
Netherlands 9 4
Denmark 7 5
Japan 1 6
Türkiye 1 6
Ireland 6 4
Italy 4 2
European Union 1 3
Nordic Countries 1 0
Canada 1 0
Greece 1 0