HERA Joint Research Programme European Public Space, Culture and Integration

Basic Information


The HERA Joint Research Programme European Public Space, Culture and Integration (HERA JRP PS) consortium will
establish a 4th joint transnational programme for multi-disciplinary research. The HERA JRP PS involves the launch of a joint Call for Proposals and a commonly-agreed two-stage evaluation process involving an independent, international Review Panel. The consortium expects to fund about 20 transnational humanities centred projects of ~1 M EUR each.
The aim of the proposed HERA JRP PS programme will be to investigate the problems and challenges of integration with
specific reference to the roles of culture and of public space in processes of integration (and potentially in failures of
integration, such as experiences or practices of exclusion). The programme has been designed to facilitate a broad range of approaches to conceptualising “public space”, including physical spaces where ideas, values and beliefs are expressed, but also spaces for performance, the built environment and virtual spaces. “Culture” also will be broadly understood, and will include languages, as well as forms of heritage and creative practice as vehicles for cultural understanding in the public space. This inclusive approach will facilitate wide-ranging, innovative and interdisciplinary responses to the JRP.
Twenty-four organisations from 24 EU countries have pooled a substantial amount of their humanities research funding for
this new HERA JRP increasing the efficiency and impact of public funding.
The HERA JRP PS consortium will also actively support knowledge exchange activities and stimulate wider dissemination about the valuable contributions of new humanities research. Furthermore, the HERA JRP PS will pursue additional activities aiming at international capacity-building in humanities research and will explore and prepare new joint actions.

H2020 Societal Challenges

H2020-SC6 (Europe in a changing world - inclusive, innovative and reflective societies)

Research fields covered by the network

  • Socio-economics sciences and humanities

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Joint Calls

Joint Call Title Type Launch Date Deadline
End Date
HERA Joint Research Programme “Public Spaces: Culture and Intergration in Europe” two-stages 24/08/2017 24/10/2017

Submitted: 217


Submitted: 77


Successful: 20

Funded: 20