Project: New technologies to Optimize the wood information basis for forest industries - developing an integrated information system

An optimized forest management can result in cost benefits and increased values for forest owners and the wood processing industries. In order to optimize management decisions in forest enterprises, information on the forest resources with high spatial and temporal resolution is essential. Further, new types of information, such as attributes characterizing the quality of the timber resources for different types of utilization in the wood processing industries rather than quantities only may also enhance management and thus increase revenues. While conventional forest inventories generally provide some of this information, they are highly restricted regarding spatial and temporal resolution. The WW-IRIS project aimed at resolving many of these restrictions by improving forest inventories with airborne laser scanner (ALS) data complemented with data from high-resolution airborne digital cameras. The basic problem that was addressed in the project is apparent in basically all countries with a well-regulated forestry sector. The work of our international project team of 16 partners from five different European countries resulted in 14 articles in international scientific journals (several more are under preparation or still in review) and more than 20 publications in other kinds of media. Team members also contributed to numerous dissemination activities at national and international conferences and workshops for scientists as well as end users. The education of eight PhD students was completely or in considerable extend funded within the project. The participating industry partners were able to launch new services and improve their internal procedures. The project resulted in new achievements with respect to single tree segmentation algorithms, their use in forest inventories and the prediction of tree species and other timber quality-related parameters.

Acronym IRIS
Duration 01/01/2008 - 31/12/2010
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Project partner

Number Name Role Country
Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg Germany
Forest Research Institute Baden-Württemberg Germany
Forestry Research Institute of SE Sweden
Klenk Holz AG Germany
Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute Norway
Norwegian University of Life Sciences Coordinator Norway
Oy Arbonaut Ltd Finland
Prevista AS Norway
Savcor Ltda Brazil
Stora Enso Finland
Sveaskog Förvaltnings AB Sweden
Swedish Forest Agency Sweden
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Sweden
TreeMetrics Ltd Ireland
University of Eastern FI - Faculty of Forest Sciences Finland
Viken Skog BA Norway