Project: Underground Sun Conversion - Flexible Storage

Acronym USC - Flex Store (Reference Number: 99107)
Duration 01/12/2020 - 31/05/2023
Project Topic The “Underground Sun Conversion – Flexible Storage” proposal aims at an inter-seasonal storage solution. Hydrogen deriving from electrolysis and CO2 are injected in depleted natural gas reservoirs. These gases are converted to renewable methane using a natural metabolic process accomplished by archaea already present in the pore space of the storage. The generated methane can be stored in the same reservoirs in TWh-scale and will be utilized via the existing infrastructure in all energy demanding sectors. The technology was developed and basically tested in previous projects Underground Sun Storage, Underground Sun Conversion. A field test facility established in those projects is integral part of this proposal. The combination of the power to methane process with geological storage of flexible shares of feed and product gases provides flexibility and storage capacity for the future energy system. The development of related services together with need-owners complete the project.
Website visit project website
Network EN SGplusRegSys
Call Joint Call 2019 on Energy Storage Solutions (MICall19)

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
1 RAG Austria AG Coordinator Austria
2 Verein Wasserstoffinitiative Vorzeigeregion Austria Power & Gas Partner Austria
3 Universität für Bodenkultur Wien Partner Austria
4 Energie 360° AG Partner Switzerland
5 EMPA Partner Switzerland
6 Universität Bern Partner Switzerland
7 University of Applied Sciences, Rapperswil Partner Switzerland