Project: Intelligent FIWARE-based Generic Energy Storage Services for Environmentally Responsible Communities and Cities

Acronym I-GReta (Reference Number: 99170)
Duration 01/12/2020 - 30/11/2023
Project Topic The goal of I-GReta is to develop solutions for planning and operation of highly flexible energy systems benefitting from storage capacities. These will be capable of integrating high shares of renewables in regional and local energy networks through integrated demand flexibility and forecasting on building level as well as large-scale optimization-based control of electrical, heating and cooling consumption. The consortium intends to build a real-world digitalized and decentralized energy system. I-GReta will connect 5 trial sites in 4 countries via a professional ICT platform benefitting from FIWARE components. Occupants, owners and system operators as key need owners will participate and assess the operation of the respective systems in a Virtual Smart Grid (VSG) based on the platform. A key use case will be the trading of storage capacities via the platform. Individual storage solutions will additionally provide high value and immense impact potential in the local perspective.
Network EN SGplusRegSys
Call Joint Call 2019 on Energy Storage Solutions (MICall19)

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
1 RWTH Aachen University Coordinator Germany
2 aedifion GmbH Observer Germany
3 E.ON SE Partner Germany
4 FH JOANNEUM Kapfenberg Partner Austria
5 Graz University of Technology Partner Austria
6 dwh GmbH Partner Austria
7 University of Graz Partner Austria
8 CAMPUS 02 Fachhochschule der Wirtschaft GmbH Partner Austria
9 EVON GmbH Partner Austria
10 WEB Windenergie AG Partner Austria
13 GREENITIATIVE Partner Romania
14 ENERGOBIT SA Observer Romania
15 HSB Göteborg ekonomisk förening Observer Sweden
16 Chalmers University of Technology Partner Sweden
17 Örebroporten Fastigheter AB Partner Sweden