Information on Partnership Candidates by the European Commission
After publishing a new website section on European Partnerships (end of May), the European Commission has started to replace some of the fiches of the Candidates for European Partnerships with full proposals. Up to now 21 proposals of the 49 Candidates for European Partnerships have been uploaded:
Cluster Health
- European Partnership for Chemical Risk Assessment
- European Partnership on Health and Care Systems Transformation
Cluster Digital, Industry and Space
- European Partnership on Artifical Intelligence, Data and Robotics
- European Partnership for Globally competitive Space Systems
- European Partnership for Photonics
- European Partnership Made in Europe
- Processes4Planet – Transforming the European Process Industry for a sustainable society
- European Partnership for Globally competitive Space Systems
Cluster Climate, Energy and Mobility
- European Partnership on Clean Hydrogen
- European Partnership – People-centric sustainable built environment (Built4People)
- European Partnership – Towards Zero-emission Road Transport (2ZERO)
- European Partnership on Connected and Automated Driving (CCAM)
- European Partnership on Zero-emission Waterborne Transport
- European Partnership for an Industrial Battery Value Chain
- European Partnership – Driving urban transitions to a sustainable future (DUT)
- European Partnership – Clean energy transition
Cluster Food, Bioeconomy, Natural resources, Agriculture and Environment
- European Partnership for rescuing biodiversity to safeguard life on Earth
- European Partnership for a Circular bio-based Europe
- European Partnership Water Security for the Planet (Water4All)
Across Themes
- European Partnerships Innovative SMEs
- European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Partnership
If you want to know more about Horizon Europe, European Partnerships and the next steps, please have a look at our website section on European Partnerships.