MIOIR Course on Evaluation of Science and Innovation Policies

Date: 19/05/2025 - 23/05/2025

This long-running course addresses the latest thinking in evaluation and teaches the most effective use of evaluation tools. As a leading European centre in the study of science, technology and innovation policy and evaluation methodologies, and based on forty years of evaluation practice, the Manchester Institute of Innovation Research is able to call upon a wealth of expertise, both from staff who have practical experience of the conduct of evaluations, and from policy makers and practitioners.

Participants will learn about evaluation tools and approaches, ‘get to grips’ with indicators, bibliometrics and altmetrics, and consider how to evaluate the institutions involved in delivering STI policy and the broad range of economic and societal impacts of policy decisions.

Who is it for?   

  • Policymakers, analysts, programme sponsors and managers
  • Practitioners in research and research funding organisations
  • Professional evaluators and innovation researchers 

Key topics

  • Theory and concepts of evaluation designs and frameworks
  • Basic evaluation tools and approaches
  • Indicators, bibliometrics and altmetrics
  • Evaluation of Organisations
  • Identifying and Measuring Societal Impacts 
  • Evaluating Economic Impacts
  • Evaluation of Systems
  • Evaluation of research organisations
  • Peer review
  • Evaluation moving forward: challenge-driven, demand-driven and transition-driven policies and evaluation of networks