Foresight methods

Date: 30/11/2021 - 02/12/2021

We are taking a new methodology and methods-based approach to short executive courses to provide agile and rapid training on common methodologies and methods used in foresight and futures studies.

We are taking a new methodology and methods-based approach to short executive courses to provide agile and rapid training on common methodologies and methods used in foresight and futures studies.

Our method-based approach will be beneficial for anyone interested in designing, implementing, coordinating, managing or evaluating (both ex-ante and ex-post) processes related to foresight projects or the application of specific foresight methods.

Together with Futures Diamond Ltd, we are launching a new set of online courses focused on foresight ‘methods’.

The course is structured around six lectures and three interactive sessions delivered in a 3-half day programme (including optional individual and group practical exercises).

More information and course programmes