Senior Fellowships 2016

Basic Information

Network EDCTP2
Aim of the joint call This call for proposals aims to support capacity development of potential African research leaders using the train-the-trainer model and to mentor junior researchers with emphasis on hands-on research training linked to clinical trials activities conducted in sub-Saharan Africa. The objectives of the scheme are: 1. To support senior researchers to advance themselves as recognised research leaders in product development through clinical trials and related activities 2. To equip senior researchers with the necessary skills and experience to train and mentor junior researchers at host institutions in sub-Saharan Africa.
Type of joint call One Stage - Call with no pre-proposals submission
Launch date 03/10/2016
Deadline Full-Proposal 01/02/2017 Submitted proposal: n/a
Evaluation End Date n/a Successful proposal: n/a Proposals funded: 6
Is call co-funded? No
Call follow up funding n/a
Call reasons n/a
Research fields n/a
Type of research n/a
Target groups n/a
Participating networks n/a

Organisations Participating

No participating organisations found.

Funded Projects

Acronym Title Start End No. partners
BuruliNox Evaluation of a nitric oxide generating dressing (EDX) to im... 01/04/2018 31/03/2023 1
CaTCH-22 Characterizing the spectrum of TB and Co-infection with HIV ... 01/09/2018 31/08/2023 1
CoNAIPS Determining Correlates of Naturally Acquired Pre-Erythrocyti... 01/04/2019 31/03/2024 1
EvaLAMP & db-NALFIA Evaluation of the LAMP & db-PCR-NALFIA for the Diagnosis and... 01/07/2018 30/06/2023 1
MEPIE study Strengthening Malaria Epidemiological, Pathophysiological an... 01/04/2018 31/03/2023 1
PRACE Pharmacogenomics Research And Clinical Excellence in the Tre... 01/04/2018 31/03/2023 1
REMODEL-TZ Research Capacity Strengthening Programme for Emerging and R... 01/04/2018 31/03/2023 1
ROVAS-2 A randomized controlled trial of two versus three doses of R... 01/04/2018 31/03/2022 1