Project: Impacts of faster growing forests on raw material properties with consideration of the potential effects of a changing climate on species choice

The demands placed on forests to provide renewable raw material are increasing as population levels increase. these demands include the production of timber, wood for energy and non-timber forest products such as the supply of feedstock for the biorefinery industry, carbon sequestration, biodiversity, water and soil conservation and places for recreation. An expansion of the forest estate to address these demands is unlikely to be an option because there is much pressure to make land available for food production and housing. Therefore the intensification of forest management using faster growing forests is required. However, these forests are negatively perceived in many sectors. Many end-users in construction believe that the quality of timber from these forests is not fit-for-purpose and a considerable proportion of the public are of the view that intensively managed forests damage the environment. the main goal of the project is to explore options for the sustainable intensification of forests. the two species (Sitka spruce and Douglas fir) selected for study are commercially important conifer species in the partner-countries.

Acronym FASTFORESTS (Reference Number: n/a)
Duration 01/07/2014 - 30/06/2017
Project Topic Forest production, resource management and logistics
Project Results
(after finalisation)
N/A (project still running)
Website visit project website
Network WoodWisdom-Net+
Call WW-NET+ Call for Proposals

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
1 University College Dublin Coordinator Ireland
2 Abibois Partner France
3 ESB Partner France
4 FCBA Technological Institute Partner France
5 FVA Partner Germany
6 NUIG Partner Ireland