Project: Boost ecosystem services through highly Biodiversity-based Mediterranean Farming sYstems.

Acronym Biodiversify (Reference Number: 2019-SECTION2-2)
Project Topic Biodiversify aims to make the proof of concept that high species diversification (HSD) effectively provides ecosystem services in substitution for external inputs for improving agroecosystem sustainability and resilience. While these principles are well known, they are still little exploited in practice. Yet, HSD may increase food security and the health of farmers and ecosystems. Three production systems covering a large land use area and a wide gradient of pedo-climatic conditions of the Mediterranean region, farming systems and socio-economic contexts are considered: 1) arable cereal-based systems, 2) vineyards, and 3) olive-based systems. The project will consider conventional and traditional farming in rainfed and irrigated zones located in six countries (Algeria, France, Greece, Italy, Spain and Tunisia). Biodiversify will organise a network of eight case studies that will define key questions to be addressed at the regional and farm levels. Solutions will be co-designed and co-evaluated through participatory workshops. A gradient of HSD solutions based on spatio-temporal species diversification will be analyzed using 1) legumes and neglected species in rotations, 2) multi-service cover crops during fallow period, 3) intercropping of cereal-legume mixtures for grain and forage, and 4) agroforestry for olive-based systems. Biodiversify will support a wider use of species and germplasm/cultivars, including traditional populations from the Mediterranean basin. Complementary approaches and methods including field experiments, knowledge synthesis and modelling will be used to design and assess current and HSD farming systems. Biodiversify will produce a portfolio of scientific and practical information for farmers and stakeholders to foster the adoption of HSD farming systems. It will also communicate towards the society and policy-makers to explain the benefits of developing a sustainable HSD agriculture to address current environmental and social challenges.
Network PRIMA
Call Section 2 Call 2019 - Multi-topic

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
1 Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement Coordinator France
2 Caussade Semences Group Partner France
3 Fonctionnement et conduite des systèmes de culture tropicaux et méditerranéens Partner France
4 Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique d'Alger Partner Algeria
5 Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung Partner Germany
6 Universidad de Lleida Partner Spain
7 ARISTOTLE University of Thessaloniki Partner Greece
8 Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura e l'analisi dell'economia agraria Partner Italy
9 Institut de l'Olivier Partner Tunisia