Project: Smart agriCulture optimization to CLImate Change Adaptation

Project Topic Climate change and unsustainable farming practices are causing loss of biodiversity, and therefore, are potentially endangering established aspects of farming systems but also providing opportunities for improvements. Irrigated agriculture systems in drylands are prone to soil salinization because salt builds up more easily in soil with little rainfall and high evapotranspiration. Increasing crop tolerance to climate change and reducing water resources and high temperatures will present the challenge of the CICLICA project. The project aims to develop new varieties/species that can be managed under changing climate conditions and the development of on-farming practices that will be adapted to smallholders. The work will be based on five pillars: 1. Development and demonstration of NCW innovations solutions for irrigation to mitigate regional water scarcity and enhance the recycling of agricultural runoff. Actions are: (a) the application of the best available technologies for water reuse process using local-friendly rainwater harvesting methods (e.g., traditional cisterns…) (b) Testing technologies for water reuse and characterize quality parameters in each living lab. 2. Deciphering the physiological requirements and genetic regulation of common crops (olive, citrus, tomatoes…) and integrate alternative crops (Carob and Jojoba trees) considering the high-temperature conditions, salinity, and low water quality present in current agriculture systems and to improve farming communities’ efficiency, profit, and resilience to climate change. 3. Development of alternative solutions (new bio-based products) and decreasing use of chemical inputs: a) Superabsorbent polymers (SAPs) improve efficient water consumption, decreases irrigation costs, and increases irrigation intervals also, implement soil’s water holding capacity and soil porosity, providing plants with moisture and possible nutrients while improving plant viability and ventilation and root development to better plant growth and ultimately increases crop yield. (b) Biofertilization using indigenous mycorrhizal complex (AMF) 4. Deployment of precision agriculture actions and packages: (a) Good on-farm management practices for improving crops and water productivity. (b) smart sensing tools and technologies for detecting abiotic stress (water and salinity stresses). (c) organic fertilizers resulted from farm wastes (e.g. compost, digestate, bio fertilizers). 5. Contribution of new agroecological and ecofriendly solutions based on Life Cycle Analyse (LCA) methodology and therefore, an integrated approach (economic, social, and environmental) of impacts on farmers
Network PRIMA
Call Section 2 – Multi-topic 2021

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
1 Spanish National Research Council Coordinator Spain
2 SISTEMA AZUD S.A. Partner Spain
3 University of Djilali Bounaama Khemis Miliana Partner Algeria
4 Technical University of Munich Partner Germany
6 Modern Machinery Partner Egypt