Project: Exploration and Implementation of Products with Alternative Proteins in Mediterranean Region

Acronym ProxIMed
Duration 01/04/2023 - 01/04/2027
Project Topic The objective of ProxIMed is to introduce proteins from sustainable sources into the Mediterranean food and feed systems to promote and establish the use of alternative proteins. Traditional alt-protein sources of plant origin (lentil, faba bean and chia seeds; “Novel food” protein sources (micro-algae, insects, mycoprotein, tomato and mallow leaves, duckweed) and agro- industrial by-products (tomato pomace, sesame cake, date cake) are selected for this purpose. Innovative and green processing technologies aiming minimal impact on nutrients will be used to produce the selected proteins. The alternative proteins will then be implemented into more than 20 final products (protein powder concentrates as ingredients, capsules to be used as supplements and several protein-enriched food and feed products) and introduced to the Mediterranean consumers in different regions (Middle East, Northern Africa and Europe). Novel processes and the protein value chain will be assessed for environmental, economic and social impacts. ProxIMed will evaluate all proteins for their techno-functional properties and will select sustainable, innovative production technologies for the development and production of different products. The selection of these products and processes will be based on LCA where sustainability approaches will be implemented in line with the SDGs. Consumer, sensory and market analysis will be the axis of ProxIMed project and will be conducted for representative countries. ProxIMed’s effective cooperation between industry partners, local producers and SMEs over Med and EU will enable and extend the impactful exchange between stakeholders including country policy makers. Health, safety and nutritional aspects of all products will be assessed by measuring bio-accessibility and bioavailability of nutrients and by estimating the presence of antinutritional factors and allergenicity, for all food and feed products. ProxIMed is a high impact project for the development of alternative protein products based on consumers’ choices and environmental assessment of innovative and green technologies with the direct involvement of industry partners. In fact, effective social media management tools, workshops, training and public engagement activities will be developed from the beginning of the project for optimal information flow to all relevant stakeholders including policymakers. Outcomes of dissemination activities will be used to elaborate exploitation plans for the project, to be complemented with business models for each exploitable product and partner, ensuring a proper mobilization of the consortium resources.
Network PRIMA
Call Section 1 – Agro-food Value-chain 2022

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
1 AINIA Partner Spain
2 American University of Beirut Partner Lebanon
3 Applied Sciences University of Weihenstephan-Triesdorf Coordinator Germany
4 Arid Regions Institute Partner Tunisia
5 Aristotle University Thessaloniki Partner Greece
6 Assiut University Faculty of Agriculture Partner Egypt
7 Deutsche Institut für Lebensmitteltechnologie Partner Germany
8 Focus Foodlabs Partner Germany
9 Green Survey Partner Germany
10 Malta College of Arts. Science & Technology Partner Malta
11 Middle East Technical University Partner Türkiye
12 Proteinsecta Partner Spain
13 TAT Partner Türkiye
14 Uluova Milk Trading Co. Partner Türkiye
15 Universidade Católica Portuguesa Partner Portugal
16 University of Parma Partner Italy
17 University of Sfax Partner Tunisia