Project: Enhanced Remote Operated Vehicle interface for munition studies

Acronym EROVMUS (Reference Number: MarTERA-2020_109)
Duration 01/07/2022 - 30/06/2025
Project Topic Project EROVMUS aims at creating an improved interface for ROV pilots, to enable easier and more cost effective ROV deployments in missions related to dumped underwater munitions. This will include both creation of multisensory platform, and improved software solutions. Proposed activities are related to navigation improvement, introduction of autonomous identfication routines, as well as image enhancement technologies. Information from multiple sensors will be overlaid to produce an equivalent of Heads UP Display (HUD) for the pilot, reducing the number of displays needed for effective operation. In addition, Virtual Reality (VR) solutions will be investigated, to enable the use of virtual displays and combine image from multiple cameras to create large virtual display for munition identification improvement. The project will develop, test and optimize a range of tools, as their interoperability with multiple models of existing ROVs. This will potentially create a range of products that could be deployed by ROV manufacturers. This project result has a potential for both state of the art improvement, as well as creating new jobs and improve competitiveness of European underwater tech sector.
Network MarTERA
Call MarTERA Call 2021

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
1 Instytut Oceanologii PAN Coordinator Poland
2 OceanTech Poland Partner Poland
3 National Institute for Research and Development on Marine Geology and Geo-ecology – GeoEcoMar Partner Romania
4 DotOcean Partner Belgium
5 Clausthal University of Technology, CUTEC Research Center Partner Germany
6 Q.VITEC GmbH Partner Germany
7 Haven Oostende, NV van publiek recht Partner Belgium
8 Flanders Marine Institute Partner Belgium