Project: Development and improvement of advanced MANUfacturing technologies for MicroElectroMechanical Systems in biomedical applications

The proposal MANUMEMS is focused on the optimization and automation of the manufacturing process of smart BioMEMS devices, including the evaluation of materials for MEMS manufacturing, the critical steps of the design and manufacturing chain as well as the development of other related counterparts (packaging, electronics…) required in the use of bio-devices. Thus, all the parameters to be optimized will be adapted to the development of a specific bio-application for quantitative detection of plasma concentrations in diagnosis and follow-up of an infectious disease; Human Immune-deficiency Virus (HIV). The integration of the functionalization stage of electrochemical sensors for an immunoassay detection of HIV in the manufacturing process will be also achieved. Optimizing the functional coating process of on-chip immunoassays will decrease the cost, improve the repeatability of the assay and decrease the complexity of analysing equipment, by eliminating the need for recalibration of each individual sensor.

Duration 01/10/2015 - 31/03/2018
Project Topic Adaptive manufacturing technologies including processes for removing, joining, adding, forming, consolidating, assembling
Call MANUNET Call 2015

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
1 MicruX Fluidic, S.L. Coordinator Spain
2 Solar Biotec Partner Türkiye