Project: Integrated approach on the fate of Microplastics towards healthy marine ecosystems

Acronym microplastiX
Duration 01/04/2020 - 30/09/2023
Project Topic MicroplastiX is an international collaborative and interdisciplinary research project that focuses on how weathering and biofouling affect degradation of microplastics in the marine environment.
Website visit project website
Network JPI Oceans
Call Joint call for proposals on microplastics in the marine environment

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
1 Universidade Federal Rural do Pernambuco (UFRPE) Partner Brazil
2 Universidade Federaldo Pernambuco-CEERMA Partner Brazil
3 Universidade Federaldo Pernambuco-PLANKTON Partner Brazil
4 Universidade Federaldo Rio de Janeiro Partner Brazil
5 Universidade Federaldo Rio Grande Partner Brazil
6 University of São Paulo (USP) Partner Brazil
7 Sorbonne Université Partner France
8 Toulon University Partner France
9 Leibniz Centre forTropical MarineResearch ZMT Partner Germany
10 Leibniz Institute ofPolymer Research (IPF) Partner Germany
11 Galway-Mayo Instituteof Technology (GMIT) Partner Ireland
13 Universidad da Coruña- UDC Partner Spain
14 Chalmers Partner Sweden
15 KTH, Royal Institute of Technology Coordinator Sweden