Project: Horizontal and vertical oceanic distribution, transport, and impact of microplastics

Acronym HOTMIC
Duration 01/04/2020 - 30/09/2023
Project Topic The objective of HOTMIC is to map the distribution of MP, including particles < 10μm and microfibers, inwater, sediment, and biota from coastal ocean to open ocean gyre to deep sea.
Website visit project website
Network JPI Oceans
Call Joint call for proposals on microplastics in the marine environment

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
1 Ghent University Partner Belgium
2 University of Southern Denmark Partner Denmark
3 University of Tartu Partner Estonia
4 GEOMAR Helmholtz Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Coordinator Germany
5 Technical University of Munich (TUM) Partner Germany
6 Università di Pisa Partner Italy
7 Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera Partner Portugal
8 MARE – Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre Partner Portugal