Project: History of Mediaval Europe

Acronym HOME (Reference Number: JPICH.DH.17.027)
Duration 01/03/2018 - 28/02/2020
Project Topic The HOME research project aims at creating a user-centred, meaningful environment to understand the History of Medieval Europe and its digital Cultural Heritage, by creating new digital content and linking digitized and digital born Cultural Heritage. Manuscripts are among the most important witnesses to our European shared cultural heritage and, while being increasingly digitized and published in large digital archives and libraries, they represent a valuable part of the European Digital Heritage. Its exploration, understanding, and dissemination of need new tools for promoting the community engagement with, and use of, heritage. Indeed, the wealth of information conveyed by the text captured in these images remains largely inaccessible, whereas general users and researchers more and more expect to query handwritten resources in plain text like printed books and, furthermore, to get the answers in a meaningful environment which accompanies the user experience with semantically structured information and visualisations.
Network JPI Cultural Heritage
Call JPI Cultural Heritage - Digital Heritage Joint Call

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
1 Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes Coordinator France
2 Universitat Politècnica de València Partner Spain
3 National Archive of the Czech Republic Partner Czech Republic
4 A2iA (Intelligence Artificielle et Analyse d’Image) Mitek systems Partner France
5 Teklia Partner France