Innovation driven Initiative for the Development and Integration of Indian and European Research

Basic Information


INNO INDIGO will set up a more relevant STI approach in terms of social and technical innovation, a broader in terms of funding and a more focussed in terms of topics - to answer the needs of the European as well as Indian societies and markets and address the needs of the engines for innovation. These are SMEs and industries as well as existing clusters of excellence. Future joint programmes will be directed towards the interaction of academia and industry a critical interface for effective innovation. It is also very important to use the STI experience of regions successful funding clusters of excellence for joint calls. On a larger scale INNO INDIGO aims at contributing to ensure global competitiveness and to satisfy social needs through innovation. Another important task of INNO INDIGO will be to optimize the outreach of the project and facilitate the networking of funding organizations in Europe and India in order to discuss, prepare and implement joint calls on a regular basis. Therefore an open platform for funders will be implemented. A number of national funding agencies has been involved in the joint calls of the ongoing ERA-Net. This was important to gain experiences, approve and adjust tools and methods in existing strategies for the call management. Within the INNO INDIGO process of the future joint calls the strategies for an enhanced management structure will steadily analysed and optimized also in order to develop common governance principles. Further funding organizations in both Europe and India will be informed about the ongoing collaboration in order to raise their interest in a participation and therefore to enlarge the outreach of the project. In Europe this implies especially Member States as well as Associated Countries that do not have bilateral research programmes with India and would also benefit from the Innovation approach of INNO INDIGO. Furthermore scenarios for cooperation beyond the lifetime of INNO INDIGO will be developed.

Main research priorities of the network

The research priorities of the project correspond with thematic priorities identified within the Group of Senior Officials' thematic groups such as water, energy and health.

Research fields covered by the network

  • Energy
  • Environment
  • Health

Target Groups

  • Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
  • Public Research Organisations (PROs)
  • Private and Semi-private Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs)
  • SME (Small and Medium Enterprises)

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Joint Calls

Joint Call Title Type Launch Date Deadline
End Date
Innovation Call 2016 on Bioeconomy one-stage 15/04/2016   31/08/2016 30/11/2016
Science and Technology Joint Call 2016 - Biobased Energy one-stage 15/04/2016   12/07/2016 31/10/2016
Joint call on diagnostics and interventions in chronic noncommunicable diseases one-stage 13/04/2015   22/06/2015

Submitted: 47

Joint Call on Clean Water and Health one-stage 08/07/2014   15/10/2014

Submitted: 25


Funded: 5