Project: Multilingualism and Minority Languages in Ancient Europe

The present project aims at stimulating further reflection about the question of multilingualism and minority languages in ancient Europe. Multilingualism is not only a feature of modern societies but also of the ancient European territory, which showed traces of it both in the zones that were under the authority of a single and cohesive national power such as the Roman Empire, as well as in those zones that were at the boundaries between two or more nations or populations, such as ancient Phrygia, the North-Western part of Greece, or some regions of Southern Italy. Investigating minority languages - the socalled Restsprachen - and multilingualism in Ancient Europe is thus crucial both to recover a significant and often ?submerged? section of the European past and also to better understand Europe nowadays with its distinctive features of multilingualism and languages in contact. The investigation conducted by the project is twofold. Each of the five research units will focus on a specific contact situation, which is poorly known or completely undocumented (e.g. Messapian, Phrygian and Lydian). Subsequently, the new philological data will be analyzed from a sociological perspective and on their value for supplying interesting parallels to reflect on multilingualism, linguistic (and social) identity and unity-in-diversity in the European Union nowadays, which is one of the key factors for building an inclusive, innovative and reflective Europe.

Acronym MuMiL-EU (Reference Number: HERA.15.029)
Duration 01/06/2016 - 31/05/2019
Project Topic REFLECTIVE-1-2014
Call HERA Call “Uses of the Past”

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
1 University "La Sapienza", Rome Coordinator Italy
2 Leiden University Partner Netherlands
3 Departamento de Filología Clásica Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Partner Spain
4 Ghent University Partner Belgium
5 Università per Stranieri di Siena Partner Italy
6 Università del Salento Observer Italy
7 Nederlands Klassiek Verbond Observer Netherlands
8 Orientaal Observer Belgium
9 Panhellenic Association of Cappadocian Unions Observer Greece
10 Allard Pierson Museum Observer Netherlands
11 Centre for the Greek Language Observer Greece
12 Foundation Hardt Observer Switzerland
13 Fundación Pastor de Estudios Clásicos Observer Spain
14 AICC Observer Italy
15 Instituto Statale di Istruzione Superiore Observer Italy
16 Liceo Classico Galileo Galilei Observer Italy
17 Oxfam Observer United Kingdom