Project: Biostimulant Water Use Efficiency Tool

Acronym BIOTOOL (Reference Number: 113690)
Duration 01/09/2020 - 01/03/2023
Project Topic The objective of this project is to develop a Water Use Efficiency (WUE) tool, named BIOTOOL, able to measure, calculate and evaluate in real-time and under experimental conditions, the water and nutrition used by plants treated with Biostimulants. Landlab, as a service provider, and Tradecorp, as a Biostimulant manufacturer, will jointly create the BIOTOOL platform along with a new and improved range of Biostimulants, made under the supervision of this platform.
Network Eurostars 2
Call Eurostars Cut–off 12

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
1 Landlab Coordinator Italy
2 Tradecorp Partner Spain