Project: AR/VR application creating and simulating work environments for BioPharma Industry trainings.

Acronym HAKOBIO ACADEMY (Reference Number: 12897)
Duration 05/07/2019 - 06/07/2021
Project Topic This project aims at developing an AR/VR application that creates and simulates bioproduction environments for training purposes. It will be a universal solution facilitating training sessions in close-to-real conditions and validating the acquisition of knowledge and know-how. The project is run by OUAT! the creator of a web-based platform (HAKOBIO) and by IMT a training institute, expert in scientific and technical content creation. It covers the design, development and tests of the solution.
Network Eurostars 2
Call Eurostars Cut–off 10

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
1 OUAT! Coordinator Belgium
2 IMT Group Partner France