Project: Novel System for Web-based Online Control Performance Monitoring in Fast Industrial Processes

Development and implementation of a novel and comprehensive system for online control performance monitoring (CPM) based on big data, the intelligent combination of control performance assessment, diagnosis methods, and web-based client-server architecture. It will cover controller assessment, detection and diagnosis of control loop problems, and optimization of controllers or plant maintenance in order to increase product quality, plant availability, and reduce resource and energy consumption.

Acronym SmartCPM (Reference Number: 9379)
Duration 01/04/2015 - 01/09/2017
Project Topic Industrial Manufacturing, Material And Transport
Network Eurostars 2
Call Eurostars Cut-Off 2

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
20477 iba AG Coordinator Germany
20478 Industrial Systems & Control Ltd. Partner United Kingdom
20479 ASINCO GmbH - Advanced Solutions for Industrial Control Partner Germany