Project: Demonstration of coordinated ancillary services covering different voltage levels and the integration in future markets

DeCAS aims to research and analyse system services such as demand response and coordination of individual Volt/Var control concepts crossing traditional boundaries from high voltage, medium voltage to low voltage, as well as the market integration. It will further include the integration of related monitoring and controls in process-control systems. The work will be based on the experience of four involved demonstration projects (innovation cells - ICs). The result will be an orchestration of the power system via hierarchical and integrated network control, taking into consideration the market integration of flexibility and stakeholder involvement focussing on consumers and networks operators. The experiences gained from the ICs will be used to investigate their large scale applicability and their impact on the existing and future network codes and for recommendations on market rules and exceptions to integrate DSOs to flexibility markets.

Acronym DeCAS (Reference Number: 78393)
Duration 01/02/2016 - 31/01/2019
Project Topic Vertical ancillary services provision, coordinated voltage control, power distribution management, grid and market integration o
Network ERANet SmartGridPlus
Call ERA-Net Smart Grids Plus - Joint Call for Proposals

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
1 Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH Coordinator Austria
3 Salzburg Netz GmbH Partner Austria
4 Siemens AG Österreich Partner Austria
5 Technische Universität Wien Partner Austria
6 RWTH Aachen University Partner Germany
7 Hochschule Kempten Partner Germany
8 Allgäuer Überlandwerke GmbH Partner Germany
9 ABB Finland Partner Finland
10 University Ljubljana Partner Slovenia