Project: Callia - Open Inter-DSO electricity markets for RES integration

In order to achieve Europe’s energy targets, the enablement of grid-secure integration of RES at all voltage levels is one of the major challenges. Curtailment need to be limited while respecting the grid’s transfer capacity and limiting grid reinforcement investments. In the Callia project, we will combine the learnings from multiple regional demonstration and R&D projects to develop and pilot a grid operational management approach, based on local DSO area balancing and implementation of agent-based RES components, combined with improved DSO-TSO coordination supplemented with (cross-border) inter-DSO power exchanges. The latter will reduce the strain on the TSO-DSO connection points, but above all limits losses by enabling the balancing of local production and consumption in adjacent regions without the need of crossing all voltage levels in an up-horizontal-down trajectory. The project results will be validated both in co-simulations and a pilot of the RES-DSO-TSO interfaces.

Acronym Callia (Reference Number: 77616)
Duration 01/07/2016 - 31/03/2019
Project Topic Interactions DSO-TSO, crossborder DSO coordination, standards, agent-based RES components
Network ERANet SmartGridPlus
Call ERA-Net Smart Grids Plus - Joint Call for Proposals

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
1 International Solar Energy Research Center Konstanz e.V. Coordinator Germany
2 Devolo AG Partner Germany
3 Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft m.b.H. Partner Austria
4 Vienna University of Technology Partner Austria
5 energy gmbH Partner Austria
6 Restore Partner Belgium
7 VITO - Flemish Institute for Technological Research NV Partner Belgium
8 Bogazici Electricity Distribution Inc. Partner Türkiye
9 Stadtwerke Heidelberg Netze GmbH Partner Germany
10 Transnet BW GmbH Partner Germany