Project: Scenario modelling for assessing impacts of policy changes and socio-economic effects on ecosystem services of soils

Acronym SIMPLE
Duration 01/11/2022 - 30/10/2024
Project Topic Agricultural soils provide a wide array of ecosystem services that need to be maintained and enhanced if agriculture is to be made more sustainable and climate-friendly. Building on carbon sequestration rates provided by the CarboSeq project, we expand the potential for climate-smart soil management through reductions in fertilization rates to decrease N2O emissions and to comply with the Farm to Fork Strategy. Potential trade-offs on soil carbon storage will be analyzed using a modelling framework that links soil carbon modelling with nitrogen flow and agro-economic modelling. Our results will identify risks and benefits of reduced fertilization and support the selection of best measures. The modelling framework will serve as a basic structure for scenario modelling in future studies.
Website visit project website
Network EJP SOIL
Call 3rd EJP SOIL internal Call for proposals

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
1 Agroscope Coordinator Switzerland
2 Stichting Wageningen Research Partner Netherlands
3 Thünen Institute Partner Germany
4 Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Partner Sweden
5 Instituut voor Landbouw, Visserij en Voedingsonderzoek Partner Belgium
6 General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies Partner Türkiye
7 University of Latvia Partner Latvia