Project: Roadmap for carbon farming schemes

Acronym Road4Schemes
Duration 01/11/2021 - 31/10/2023
Project Topic Carbon farming has gained prominence as a mitigation option to reach targets set in the Paris Agreement and the European Green Deal. To achieve this, integrating research into policy design and implementation, ensuring mutual benefits for stakeholders, soils and society is helpful. Road4Schemes will (1) assess the strengths and weaknesses of existing and planned schemes for carbon farming and additional Ecosystem Service (ESS) payments, including respective tools for monitoring, reporting and verification; (2) assess stakeholders’ perceptions and preferences with respect to strategies for scheme design and policy drivers and barriers; and (3) deliver a roadmap for developing and implementing contextually sensitive result-based schemes for carbon farming and additional ESS payments.
Website visit project website
Network EJP SOIL
Call 2nd EJP SOIL internal Call for proposals

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
1 Aarhus University Coordinator Denmark
2 National French Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment Partner France
3 Stichting Wageningen Research Partner Netherlands
4 Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety Partner Austria
5 National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment Partner Belgium
6 Czech University of Life Sciences Prague Partner Czech Republic
7 von Thünen Institute Partner Germany
8 Agroscope Partner Switzerland
9 Agricultural Research and Policy General Directorate Partner Türkiye