Project: Indicators for carbon sequestration and successful greenhouse gas mitigation by rewetting cultivated peat soils

Acronym INSURE
Duration 01/02/2021 - 31/01/2024
Project Topic Wet management with raised ground water table and flood-tolerant crops is an option to reduce peat decomposition and the related greenhouse gas emissions and water contamination from cultivated peatlands while still providing income for the farmers. However, there are sites with the risk of tradeoffs like high methane or phosphorus emissions diminishing the environmental benefits. Measurable indicators used in the selection of sites would increase the success rate of rewetting and thus the acceptability of wet agricultural management of peat soils. Experimental work together with modelling and advanced analysis of peat composition in INSURE project aims at improved understanding of controls of element cycling in rewetted ecosystems and to finding robust indicators for the tradeoffs of wet management.
Website visit project website
Network EJP SOIL
Call 1st EJP SOIL internal Call for proposals

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
1 Natural Resources Institute Finland Coordinator Finland
2 Wageningen University & Research Partner Netherlands
3 Aarhus University Partner Denmark
4 Agriculture and Food Development Authority Partner Ireland
5 Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research Partner Norway
6 Agroscope Partner Switzerland