Targeting control and elimination of NIDs through clinical trials

Basic Information

Network EDCTP2
Aim of the joint call n/a
Type of joint call One Stage - Call with no pre-proposals submission
Launch date 04/07/2017
Deadline Full-Proposal 31/10/2017 Submitted proposal: n/a
Evaluation End Date n/a Successful proposal: n/a Proposals funded: 2
Is call co-funded? No
Call follow up funding n/a
Call reasons n/a
Research fields
  • Health
Type of research n/a
Target groups n/a
Participating networks n/a

Organisations Participating

No participating organisations found.

Funded Projects

Acronym Title Start End No. partners
HAT-r-ACC Towards an arsenic-free oral treatment for human African try... 01/09/2018 31/08/2023 8
MoxiMultiDoseMod Moxidectin for accelerating onchocerciasis elimination: A pa... 01/08/2019 31/07/2024 10
STOP Towards the interruption of transmission of soil-transmitted... 01/10/2018 30/09/2022 8