Project: Congo basin forests: tipping points for biodiversity conservation and resilience of forested social and ecological systems.

The purpose of CoForTips is to foster better management of the Congo Basin forests through 1) a better understanding of the dynamics and regime shifts of biodiversity, and linkages between social and ecological systems and 2) the construction of scenarios of biodiversity, exploring possible futures for the forests and people of the region. The scenarios will explicitly address different management and policy options. How is biodiversity changing? What are the drivers of environmental change? How will they interact and shape the future of the region? To tackle these questions CoForTips will develop spatially explicit models linking social and ecological processes, and focus on study sites selected along a gradient of human intervention. The project explicitly addresses the need to embed research in the decision making process, and will therefore work in close partnership with the stakeholders and policy makers of the region.

Acronym CoForTips
Duration 01/01/2013 - 31/12/2015
Website visit project website
Network BiodivERsA2
Call BiodivERsA Call 2011-2012 on Biodiversity dynamics

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
Agricultural Research for Development Coordinator France
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique et Technologique - Institut de Recherches en Écologie Tropicale Gabon
Électricité De France France
Institute of Agricultural Research for Development Cameroon
Institute of Research for Development France
Instituto Nacional de Desarrollo Forestal y Gestión del Sistema de Áreas Protegidas Equatorial Guinea
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis Austria
Mines ParisTech France
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich Switzerland
University Marien Ngouabi Congo, Democratic Republic of the
University of Bangui Central African Republic
University of Barcelona Spain
University of Douala Cameroon
University of Liège Belgium
University of Montpellier France
University of Rennes France