Found 511 documents.

Template: Interview with Funding Agencies
Template for interviews with national funding agencies

Template: Interview with coordinators
nterview with Project Coordinator and project participants

Template: Contact Interviewees
Email message for Project coordinator/participant and members of the partnership (funding agencies, ministries, etc.).

European Partnerships
European Commission

Additional Partnership Candidates
European Commission

Task Force on Monitoring & Evaluation of the JPIs: Final Report
Task Force on Monitoring & Evaluation of the JPIs
This report identifies five jointly agreed key dimensions along with relevant indicators that are described including information on how they can be measured. The work of the Task Force is supported by ERA-LEARN.

ERAC "Standing Information Point - Update on Partnerships"
European Commission

European Partnerships under Horizon Europe: results of the structured consultation of Member States
European Commission
In May 2019, the Commission launched a consultation of Member States on 44 possible candidates for European Partnerships as part of a strategic coordinating process to ensure their early involvement in the prioritisation and definition of objectives and scope.
The feedback provided by 30 countries (all Member States, Iceland and Norway) has been analysed by the Commission services and summarised (overall and per partnership candidate) in this report. It will inform the discussion at the Shadow Strategic Programme Committee meeting on 27 June 2019 on critical / strategic issues identified. Furthermore, the results of the consultation will feed the Impact Assessment work for partnership candidates based on Article 185 or 187 TFEU, as well as the preparation of all partnerships.

Thematic Partnership Workshop Report
First Thematic Partnership Workshop (Brussels, 15-16 May 2019): Improve coherence of partnerships in thematic research areas
Related documents:
Discussion Paper: Synthesis Report
Discussion Paper: Cluster "Food and Natural Resources"
Discussion Paper: Cluster "Climate, Energy and Mobility"
Discussion Paper: Cluster "Digital and Industry"
Discussion Paper: Cluster "Health"
Discussion Paper: Cluster "Inclusive and Secure Societies"

Discussion Paper: Synthesis Report
Following a recommendation by ERAC, ERA-LEARN has established discussion papers on the thematic coverage of current partnerships in relation to the clusters under Horizon Europe. Before finalisation, the papers have been discussed with representatives of the partnership initiatives in the 'Thematic partnership workshop: Towards Horizon Europe' that took place on May 15 - 16 2019 in Brussels.
Related documents:
Discussion Paper: Cluster "Food and Natural Resources"
Discussion Paper: Cluster "Climate, Energy and Mobility"
Discussion Paper: Cluster "Digital and Industry"
Discussion Paper: Cluster "Health"
Discussion Paper: Cluster "Inclusive and Secure Societies"

Discussion Paper: Cluster "Inclusive and Secure Societies"
Following a recommendation by ERAC, ERA-LEARN has established discussion papers on the thematic coverage of current partnerships in relation to the clusters under Horizon Europe. Before finalisation, the papers have been discussed with representatives of the partnership initiatives in the 'Thematic partnership workshop: Towards Horizon Europe' that took place on May 15 - 16 2019 in Brussels.
Related documents:
Discussion Paper: Synthesis Report
Discussion Paper: Cluster "Food and Natural Resources"
Discussion Paper: Cluster "Climate, Energy and Mobility"
Discussion Paper: Cluster "Digital and Industry"
Discussion Paper: Cluster "Health"

Discussion Paper: Cluster "Health"
Following a recommendation by ERAC, ERA-LEARN has established discussion papers on the thematic coverage of current partnerships in relation to the clusters under Horizon Europe. Before finalisation, the papers have been discussed with representatives of the partnership initiatives in the 'Thematic partnership workshop: Towards Horizon Europe' that took place on May 15 - 16 2019 in Brussels.
Related documents:
Discussion Paper: Synthesis Report
Discussion Paper: Cluster "Food and Natural Resources"
Discussion Paper: Cluster "Climate, Energy and Mobility"
Discussion Paper: Cluster "Digital and Industry"
Discussion Paper: Cluster "Inclusive and Secure Societies"

Discussion Paper: Cluster "Food and Natural Resources"
Following a recommendation by ERAC, ERA-LEARN has established discussion papers on the thematic coverage of current partnerships in relation to the clusters under Horizon Europe. Before finalisation, the papers have been discussed with representatives of the partnership initiatives in the 'Thematic partnership workshop: Towards Horizon Europe' that took place on May 15 - 16 2019 in Brussels.
Related documents:
Discussion Paper: Synthesis Report
Discussion Paper: Cluster "Climate, Energy and Mobility"
Discussion Paper: Cluster "Digital and Industry"
Discussion Paper: Cluster "Health"
Discussion Paper: Cluster "Inclusive and Secure Societies"

Discussion Paper: Cluster "Digital and Industry"
Following a recommendation by ERAC, ERA-LEARN has established discussion papers on the thematic coverage of current partnerships in relation to the clusters under Horizon Europe. Before finalisation, the papers have been discussed with representatives of the partnership initiatives in the 'Thematic partnership workshop: Towards Horizon Europe' that took place on May 15 - 16 2019 in Brussels.
Related documents:
Discussion Paper: Synthesis Report
Discussion Paper: Cluster "Food and Natural Resources"
Discussion Paper: Cluster "Climate, Energy and Mobility"
Discussion Paper: Cluster "Health"
Discussion Paper: Cluster "Inclusive and Secure Societies"

Discussion Paper: Cluster "Climate, Energy and Mobility"
Following a recommendation by ERAC, ERA-LEARN has established discussion papers on the thematic coverage of current partnerships in relation to the clusters under Horizon Europe. Before finalisation, the papers have been discussed with representatives of the partnership initiatives in the 'Thematic partnership workshop: Towards Horizon Europe' that took place on May 15 - 16 2019 in Brussels.
Related documents:
Discussion Paper: Synthesis Report
Discussion Paper: Cluster "Food and Natural Resources"
Discussion Paper: Cluster "Digital and Industry"
Discussion Paper: Cluster "Health"
Discussion Paper: Cluster "Inclusive and Secure Societies"

Candidates for European Partnerships
European Commission

Partnership Provisions Horizon Europe
European Commission

EC Presentation European Partnerships
European Commission