Basic Information

The Joint Programming Initiative “A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life” has been established to coordinate research in the areas of food, diet, physical activity and health in order to achieve tangible societal and health impact and to strengthen European leadership and competitiveness in this field. Under this umbrella, the HDHL-INTIMIC partners are now launching a 4th additional non-cofunded joint funding activity called “Standardised measurement, monitoring and/or biomarkers to study food intake, physical activity and health (STAMIFY)”.

Website https://www.healthydietforhealthylife.eu/index.php/call-activities/calls/107-calls-site-restyling/calls-intimic-hdhl/634-era-net-hdhl-intimic-2021
Aim of the joint call HDHL-INTIMIC (2021): New joint transnational call: Standardised measurement, monitoring and/or biomarkers to study food intake, physical activity and health (STAMIFY). The aim of this call is to encourage the development of improved methods and tools designed to assess and monitor diet and physical activity in order to help promote a healthier lifestyle.
Type of joint call Two Stages - Call with pre-proposals and full proposals submissions
Launch date 28/01/2021
Deadline Pre-Proposal 31/03/2021 Submitted proposal: 24
Deadline Full-Proposal 22/07/2021 Submitted proposal: 17
Evaluation End Date 30/09/2021 Successful proposal: 13 Proposals funded: 6
Is call co-funded? No
Call follow up funding n/a
Call reasons n/a
Research fields
  • Food, agriculture and fisheries
  • Health
Type of research n/a
Target groups n/a
Participating networks

Funded Projects

Acronym Title Start End No. partners
BiomarKid Biomarker signatures of diet, physical activity and sleep in... 01/01/2022 31/12/2024 6
DIETARY DEAL Dietary Assessment & Further Development of Biomarkers for All 01/01/2022 31/12/2024 5
INTEGRActiv Identification and validation of integrative biomarkers of p... 01/01/2022 31/12/2024 5
PlantIntake Combining biomarker panels and dietary intake data for impro... 01/03/2022 6
VEGANScreener Development and evaluation of a web-based diet quality scree... 01/01/2022 31/12/2024 7
WEALTH Wearable sensors for the assessment of physical and eating b... 01/04/2022 31/03/2025 7