The Agricultural Research for Development Dimension of the European Research Area

Basic Information


"ERA-ARD II has two strategic objectives: Improving the European contribution to International Agricultural Research (IAR) by promoting joint activities and trans-national programs in the field of Agricultural Research for Development (ARD). Increasing the impact of European contributions in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s) and to sustainable growth in the poorest countries in the world. Achievements of ERA ARD I are: ERA-ARD provided a shared vision and a strategic agenda on ARD in Europe ERA-ARD provided an analysis of collaboration models to the implementation of joint and transnational activities ERA-ARD realised increased involvement of Southern partners through the establishment of a Southern Advisory Group ERA-ARD implemented a transnational call on “Bioenergy”. The areas for improvement are: Enlargement of the consortium by integrating new Countries (Portugal, Turkey, Finland, etc.). Expand joint and transnational activities initiated during ERA-ARD I Realise joint activities in the Thematic fields: Capacity development, Agri-Food Chain Security and Food & Energy , also related to climate change Involve the end users of the European ARD programmes in the design and implementation of joint and transnational activities Expend the Southern Advisory Group to include stakeholders from all continents The impacts of this ERA-net lies in supporting and enhancing the European Research Area for Development. A greater contribution and visibility of Europe towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals through an increase in effectiveness and efficiency of its research for development programs will be established along with the development of a more coherent European ARD and a facilitated access of developing countries to European ARD expertise. The joint call (s) will result in research that will contribute to meeting the EU’s commitment towards the United Nations Millennium Development Goals."

Research fields covered by the network

  • Environment
  • Food, agriculture and fisheries

Target Groups

  • Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
  • Public Research Organisations (PROs)
  • Private and Semi-private Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs)

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Joint Calls

Joint Call Title Type Launch Date Deadline
End Date
Call 2012   22/05/2012   22/01/2013

Submitted: 22


Funded: 8