
France is involved in 281 partnerships.

Country Number of cooperations
United States 9
Austria 184
Spain 232
Germany 252
Canada 35
Belgium 207
Greece 112
Norway 170
Türkiye 138
Portugal 151
Italy 202
Miscellaneous 8
United Kingdom 187
Slovakia 72
Estonia 98
Poland 159
Lithuania 73
Denmark 141
Switzerland 120
Australia 3
Sweden 184
New Zealand 6
Netherlands 215
Finland 169
Ireland 132
Montenegro 4
Bulgaria 54
Malta 25
Romania 131
Albania 9
Georgia 5
Kenya 3
Hungary 102
Cyprus 61
Israel 98
Luxembourg 45
Slovenia 105
Taiwan 15
Iceland 53
Czech Republic 86
Serbia 12
European Union 15
Latvia 90
Egypt 14
Brazil 12
Tunisia 16
Moldova 15
South Africa 20
Morocco 9
Algeria 6
Croatia 35
Syria 1
Russia 15
Argentina 9
Armenia 1
Ukraine 7
Azerbaijan 2
Faroe Islands 1
Japan 5
Burkina Faso 3
Cameroon 2
Congo 1
Gabon 1
Gambia 1
Ghana 2
Mali 1
Mozambique 1
Niger 1
Senegal 3
Tanzania 1
Uganda 2
Zambia 1
Belarus 5
Bosnia and Herzegovina 5
India 4
Chile 3
Nordic Countries 8
Barbados 1
Peru 1
Uruguay 2
Panama 2
Mexico 2
North Macedonia 7
Jordan 4
Kazakhstan 1
Kyrgyzstan 1
Greenland 1
Korea, Republic of 6
Honduras 1
Singapore 1
Lebanon 1
Philippines 1
Cambodia 1
Lao PDR 1
Thailand 1

Call cooperations

France is involved in 543 calls.

Country Number of cooperations
Austria 307
Belgium 396
Bulgaria 95
Croatia 92
Czech Republic 142
Estonia 180
Germany 451
Latvia 218
Lithuania 155
Luxembourg 144
Poland 307
Romania 266
Slovenia 190
Spain 443
Zambia 2
Sweden 276
Switzerland 220
United Kingdom 229
Finland 260
Norway 294
Portugal 249
Slovakia 183
Cyprus 117
Denmark 191
Greece 170
Hungary 169
Iceland 84
Italy 349
Türkiye 304
Canada 113
Netherlands 291
Korea, Republic of 32
Brazil 37
Ireland 211
Israel 230
Malta 81
Moldova 16
South Africa 52
Georgia 2
Morocco 35
Taiwan 50
Tunisia 48
Australia 10
European Union 50
Chile 8
New Zealand 9
Uruguay 4
Russia 34
Argentina 19
Egypt 47
Panama 5
Ukraine 2
Burkina Faso 3
Côte d'Ivoire 5
Kenya 3
Barbados 1
Colombia 2
Bolivia 1
Dominican Republic 2
Peru 2
Guatemala, Republic of 1
Ecuador, Republic of 1
Mexico 4
Trinidad and Tobago, Republic of 1
Algeria 39
Jordan 31
Lebanon 31
United States 20
Japan 15
India 11
Honduras 1
Senegal 2
Bosnia and Herzegovina 14
Serbia 13
North Macedonia 4
Albania 4
Singapore 6
China 7
Qatar 2
Belarus 7
Ghana 1
Madagascar 1
Cameroon 1
Uganda 1
Nordic Countries 4
Philippines 1
Cambodia 1
Lao PDR 1
Thailand 1
Faroe Islands 2
Liechtenstein 4
Hong Kong 1
Montenegro 3
Saudi Arabia 2

Funded projects

France is involved in 2313 projects.

Country Number of cooperations
Austria 240
Belgium 386
Denmark 237
Finland 259
Italy 713
Poland 232
Slovenia 114
Spain 770
Netherlands 543
Czech Republic 202
Latvia 50
Lithuania 43
Portugal 199
Sweden 383
Switzerland 361
Türkiye 205
Estonia 56
Germany 1203
Hungary 82
Ireland 123
Norway 236
Slovakia 56
United Kingdom 564
Luxembourg 41
Korea, Republic of 15
Romania 113
Israel 114
Iceland 17
Canada 134
Tunisia 90
Morocco 72
Albania 5
Bulgaria 12
Greece 127
Chile 10
Croatia 26
New Zealand 23
Ethiopia 4
Argentina 17
Indonesia 2
Brazil 27
Uruguay 4
Colombia 4
South Africa 38
Namibia, Republic of 2
Ghana 7
Australia 30
United States 60
Gabon 6
Benin 3
Burkina Faso 12
Mali 6
Côte d'Ivoire 9
Mozambique 3
Zambia 6
Uganda 12
Zimbawe 3
Malawi 4
Botswana 2
Angola 1
Senegal 12
Niger 8
Guinea, Republic of 6
Gambia 1
Togo 2
Sierra Leone 4
Tanzania 6
Congo 4
Rwanda 1
Cameroon 5
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 6
Central African Republic 2
Madagascar 9
South Sudan 1
Bangladesh 1
India 10
Bosnia and Herzegovina 24
Serbia 15
Liechtenstein 3
Russia 7
China 20
Japan 11
Mexico 5
Taiwan 16
Thailand 3
Ukraine 15
Saudi Arabia 3
Egypt 50
Panama 2
Peru 6
Cyprus 29
Lebanon 23
Algeria 53
Jordan 11
Malta 9
Kenya 6
Moldova 2
Nicaragua 1
Equatorial Guinea 1
Hong Kong 2
Cuba 1
Pakistan 7
Philippines 1
Viet Nam 6
Cambodia 1
Mauritius 1
Lao PDR 1
Malaysia 2
Nepal 1