ERA-LEARN workshop on monitoring and evaluation of P2Ps in Manchester

Date: 28/01/2020

This one-day workshop on Monitoring and Evalualtion in P2Ps capitalised on long-standing research evaluation theories and practices and the knowledge we have gained throughout the years in analysing P2Ps. The workshop presentations are now available for download.

workshop participants

The workshop was hosted by ERA-LEARN partner Manchester Institute of Innovation Research, Alliance Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester.

The event was designed and led by Effie Amanatidou and featured presentations by

The day was structured around the monitoring and evaluation lifecycle of European R&I partnerships. Workshop participants were engaged in a range of participatory exercises including role-plays that complemented the presentations.  The learning approach was largely based on learning from each other and understanding the correct ways of doing things through experimentation and interaction with peers.

A large part of the content was drawn from the RIPE Toolkit, which was developed under ERA-LEARN. The RIPE toolkit is a complete monitoring and evaluation methodology with concrete steps, examples, templates and good practice tips based on the work of ERA-LEARN over the years in supporting the R&I partnerships in their monitoring and evaluation activities. 

The workshop was attended by 23 participants representing a wide range of P2P networks and administrative bodies:

  • JPI Networks: JPIs Water, Urban Europe, FACCE, HDHL, Oceans, JPND, MYBL and ANR.   
  • Funding Councils: ANR, ESRC, RCN, Academy of Finland, National Science Centre of Poland, Foundation for S&T Poland and the Swedish Research Council. 
  • Ministries: Ministero della Salute in Italy and The Federal Office of Agriculture and Food (BLE).  Research Centres included IVLA, AIT, Julich and ZonMW

On 27th January, the University facilitated a meeting of the JPI Monitoring and Evaluation Task force, to allow the workshop participants to capitalise upon their trip to Manchester.

Downloads & more


RIPE Toolkit

All available presentations