Project: Quantum-safe Communications for High Altitude Platforms

The goal of QuCHAP is to bring to the market a complete stratospheric platform, fitted with a high bandwidth secure communication system. Extra payload will be available for specific customer requirements. This platform will be used as a tool for a variety of applications in the emerging field of high altitude long endurance vehicles for commercial imagery, remote sensing, surveillance and telecommunication.

Acronym QuCHAP (Reference Number: 9667)
Duration 01/09/2015 - 01/09/2018
Project Topic Electronics, It And Telecoms Technology
Network Eurostars 2
Call Eurostars Cut-Off 3

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
21256 ID Quantique SA Coordinator Switzerland
21257 Vialight Communications GmbH Partner Germany
21258 Elson Space Engineering Ltd Partner United Kingdom