Project: Novel rearing systems and genetic tools for a sustainable production of seawater invertebrate larvae

(a) Fully develop a rearing system for seawater invertebrates, the SustainCycle system, where microbes and mechanical components modify the living environment towards optimal levels. (b) Fully develop SustainDiagnostics: Fast response tool to screen relevant microflora for aquaculture health using DNA sequencing and novel bioinformatics tools. (c) Develop detection kits for potential pathogens and microbial markers to provide essential information on system status and wellbeing.

Acronym Sustain-Larvae (Reference Number: 9455)
Duration 02/01/2015 - 01/01/2018
Project Topic Agriculture And Marine Resources
Network Eurostars 2
Call Eurostars Cut-Off 2

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
20722 Fish Vet Group Coordinator United Kingdom
20723 Matís ohf. Partner Iceland
20724 Sæbýli hf. Partner Iceland