Project: TAGging dietary Fiber intake and their interest for health by measuring biomarkers related to the gut microbiota

WHAT: The FiberTAG project will establish a set of biomarkers linking dietary fiber (DF) intake and gut-microbiota related health effect. We aim at refining the concept of DF based on novel biological effects that can occur upon gut microbiota-nutrients interaction by using existing cohorts and by developing innovative approaches to evaluate the health interest of novel insoluble DF. WHO: The FiberTAG consortium gathers 4 academic principal investigators from Belgium, France, Germany and Canada, respectively. They gather complementary research expertises such as 1) host physiology with emphasis on management of cardio-metabolic disorders, 2) intervention studies based on diet and prebiotic DF, 3) microbial ecology, 4) data integration and modelling. The partners are Nathalie Delzenne, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium (Coordinator); Martine Laville, CRNH-RA, France; Jens Walter, University of Alberta, Canada and Stephan C. Bischoff, University of Hohenheim, Germany. Two industrial partners (Kitozyme, Véronique Maquet, Belgium and Mondelez, Sophie Vinoy, France) will develop and provide selected insoluble fiber for the intervention studies. HOW: Specific metabolites selected as biomarkers of microbiota-driven fermentation and gut-related functions will be analyzed in 5 existing cohorts of healthy or overweight populations in which the fecal microbiota composition and DF intake have been (or will be) analyzed. New intervention studies will be performed in healthy and cardiometabolic risk volunteers to evaluate the interest for health of two insoluble fibers (chitin-glucan and a wheat bran fraction).

Acronym FiberTAG (Reference Number: 565)
Duration 01/03/2017 - 01/03/2020
Network ERA-HDHL
Call Call for Joint Transnational Research Proposals: Biomarkers for Nutrition and Health

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
1 Deutsches Institut fuer Ernaehrungsforschung Potsdam-Rehbruecke Coordinator Belgium
2 University Of Reading Partner France
3 Reina Sofia University Hospital, Maimonides Institute for Biomedical Research at Cordoba , University of Cordoba,Fisiopatologia Obesidad y Nutricion , Instituto de Salud Carlos III Partner Canada
4 University of Navarra Medical School Partner Germany
5 University of East Anglia, Norwich Medical School Partner France
6 Kitozyme, S.A. Observer Belgium