Project: Development of an enzymatic CO2-capture strategy for an optimised microbiological methanation

Acronym Carbonate (Reference Number: BEN12-18-07)
Duration 01/01/2019 - 31/12/2021
Project Topic The European Union aims at a transition towards a renewable energy system by strengthening biomass exploitation. Within P2G concept bio-methanation of CO2 from biomass conversion systems with H2 enables an overall emission reduction. For this methanation process the amount of gases serving as potential CO2 sources is limited due to impurities like O2 or N2 in many industrial exhaust gases. Purification technologies for CO2 are costly and very energy consuming. By using an enzymatic CO2 capture process the energy demand and the costs will be reduced and “impure” gases like exhaust gases from e.g. biomass combustion or CHP-units will be applicable. Thus, these gas streams serve as alternative carbon sources and have the potential to substantially increase the exploitation of biomass for the production of energy carriers. Such efficient P2G systems are mandatory towards a fossil fuel free society and will strengthen the role of renewable energy in the future European energy system.
Call 12th Joint Call of ERA-NET Bioenergy and 2nd Additional Call of BESTF3

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
1 University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, BOKU Coordinator Austria
2 BEST - Bioenergy and Sustainable Technologies GmbH Partner Austria
3 EVM – Energieversorgung Margarethen Partner Austria
4 AAT – Abwasser- und Abfalltechnik GmbH Partner Austria
5 Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ICBT), Partner Switzerland
6 Paul Scherer Institute PSI Partner Switzerland
7 IUNR - Institut für Umwelt und Natürliche Ressourcen Partner Switzerland